Minggu, 05 Juni 2011

Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Cosmology 2011 by University of Oslo

Doctoral Phd Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Institute has appointed a group of cosmology as a group appear top-tier research. Participation in the primary mission of the European Space Agency's Planck and ground based CMB polarization experiment QUIET, and strong efforts in fundamental cosmological theory, act as two focus groups to consolidate and further develop it into one of the most Norwegian international group of research can be seen in the physical sciences .

Fund Details:

Doctoral Phd The group has joined with cosmology cosmology Euclidean space mission proposed by Europe. special scientific interest in testing modified gravity and dark energy models, and limit the neutrino mass, with the result of large-scale galaxy surveys, including the baryonic acoustic oscillations, the power spectrum, large-scale flow pattern and weak lensing. Postdoctoral fellowship, funded by the Norwegian Research Council, is dedicated to research in relation to this project, and we look for candidates who can contribute significantly in this field.

Qualification Details:

The candidate must have a Doctoral Phd or equivalent education in accordance with Norwegian doctorate in astronomy / astrophysics, physics or a related discipline and must have research experience relevant to Euclid. http://www.callforpapersinfo.com

Project Details:

Doctoral Phd Applicants must submit project proposals, including timetables, for job qualification. The main purpose of post-doctoral research scholarship is for qualified researchers to work in top positions in their academic discipline. Please also refer to the regulations related to working conditions for post-doctoral fellowship positions:

Application Deadline:
Deadline for application is June 30, 2011

Further details:
For more information about these scholarships please visit the link below.
